
Importance of setting goals in life

Setting goals in life is the first step to achieve dreams by doing consistent hard work towards the endpoint written on the paper. Importance of goal setting is bigger in your life. Goals are the methods to follow to turn your dreams into reality. Your dreams are your imagination. And goals convert your imagination into reality.

Few examples of goals & dreams that you want to achieve this year.

Peace of mind, a handsome freelance job, online business, car for family, own house in the city, new skills, marriage with dreams girl, Trip to Hong Kong city with family, new clients, new luxuries etc. are some common dreams and goals. To achieve such goals, we need money. It′s important but not necessary.

Do you want to become Prime Minister? Do you want to become Movie Star? Do you want to become a Writer? Do you want to become a Teacher? Do you want to become Freelancer?

Don′t forget, what you′re right now! What are the resources you have!

But if I said, No to all the above questions! : – It was the most confusing question for me once. What you want to become in life. Yes, seriously. I believe that specialization is very important but not for all. I know that clear vision is important, but not for all. I don′t want to fix myself to one thing, do not fix yourself to one thing in your whole life, enjoy and experience different and every aspect of life. Nothing is permanent. We all have to do hard work, no matter whatever the field.

God gives us the things that are important to us to become or became not what we desire. Live life according to the situation. Learn more about the importance of goal setting in our life. If you′re a freelancer, small business owner, or you′re not doing government jobs, I mean entrepreneur, then I think you can agree with me in the above paragraphs. All successful people and millionaires – billionaires know about the importance of goal setting in life and career.

You don′t want to become anything. Do not follow this question or answers. Just let it on God or destiny or on future or on people. If you have the qualities of a teacher, you will become by setting goals and consistent efforts. If you have the qualities to do business then do. If you have the qualities or resources or knowledge to be a president or prime minister then start. What are you waiting for! If you believe you can do it.

But if you don′t know what you want to become in life then leave it on God (Nature, People, Destiny, Time, and Future). He will make you. Leave it to God. I know that few people are unable to decide tag line for themselves under their name because they are creative, interested in many things. And this is great! But you do one thing if you have multiple skills and doing multiple works and I mean wearing many hats of your business.

Then add tagline according to the situation and time. For example: if you know “How to design website and you have an example of your work” then you′re a web designer. If you′re doing blogging, then you′re a blogger. You can add a tagline to your profile according to the client. If the client is interested in your writing – then you′re a writer, if they interested in training-then you′re a teacher. I know it′s not tough for multi-skilled individual and this is possible for freelancers or online business owners.

Why do we set goals – Why I set goals?

I personally don′t know what I want to become? What I am! But I know what I have to do and what is important for me my family? And what skills I have that help me to earn money. What knowledge I have that help my country people and the world. I use the resources I have right now; I do whatever I see is important to do. What can I do to improve myself to the next level? I only take small steps daily and consistently. One by one! I know I am not on trend and this world does not need anything from me: no tips no suggestions, but I have my experiences, my truth, that I want to share to this world. If they like then it′s great if not then it′s a lesson for me.

I don′t buy anything I don′t need, I use the resources I have, and whenever I need and it is really important and valuable then I go and get! And for all the above things that are important to me and my family and country, I set goals every year to achieve my dreams one by one without hurting people. That′s why it is important to set goals to achieve what is important to us!

We can′t achieve anything in this life without discipline. Goals make us committed. Goals make us responsible. And goals help us to know at the end of the year what the achievements of this year are, and what we can do more!

How to set goals and achieve them

Normally we can set goals by writing on paper. I use white paper and black pencil to write goals and directions. I like to write on paper quick tings on paper. But I use Microsoft excel worksheet for goal setting. Microsoft Excel worksheet is helpful for financial planning, calculation and to track progress. You can also use sticky notes in windows computers.

Simple Goal Setting Example

1st step: Write about what you want to achieve. E.g. I want to earn 1, 00000 per month.

2nd step: Write down what you can do to achieve E. g. video tutorial, Marketing, writing, designing, whatever it is.

3rd step: Select the top-earning platform. E.g. Freelancing sites, AdSense, Affiliate, online jobs, and offline part-time business, etc.

4th step: Now calculates in excel, how many clients, logo, sales, links, jobs you need to earn your 100000. Calculate cost, time.

5th step: Fix time to track progress and update your goals setting process according to the situation and demand.

May be the above 5 steps are not understandable to you because it is based on my experiences and research or ideas. The best formula to achieve goals is set by you only. You can see examples on Google, you can learn about it. But the achievable and easy process you know better than anyone else. Only your own formula is executable to you!

If you′re confused about how to write then you can search on Google for goal settings template and tools. There are thousands of pre-made free goal setting templates on the internet. Thanks for technologies that hundreds of goals setting apps now you can use on your Android, iPhone and on windows mobile phone. Some of the goal settings tools are free. I suggest just try to free tools first, but if you have money to spend on paid goal setting tools for personal development. Then please search and buy carefully.

The most important thing to set in your goals is “what is the most important thing to you to achieve this year.” What are the values you′re getting from your goal? What are the results that motivate you to achieve this goal?

Here are my tips about how to set goals and how not to set goals?

Tips for setting goals in life

Do not set goals that are not reachable right now:- Set goals that are practical, measurable and achievable. E.g. If you′re earning or your salary is 20,000 right now, then it is possible that you can double or triple your income in next year, by increment, part-time job, growth in business and this is possible. And if you′re setting goals to jump from 10,000 to 5 lac in this year mean in 365 days. Still, it is possible, if you know how to do it. But if you don′t know how to do it and you′re searching on Google, and learning about how to earn 1, 00,000 in one month without doing hard work then it is just a waste of time. I know nothing is impossible, but first, do possible things then do impossible ones!

Do not set goals basis on desires:- Set goals on the basis of priorities and importance. E.g. what is the most important goal for you and for the family this year? E.g. If you′re living in a rented house, your goals should be to buy a new house not to become a chief minister because not all are Arvind Kejriwal. They are doing their duty. And it is really important to you that you know what duty is. I don′t mean that you′re not eligible; I just mean set the goals that are most important to you to achieve this year.

Do not set a goal to impress others:- Do goal setting on the basis of what is important to you and not to impress others. I mean people set goals at the beginning of every year or in the middle to start to show off to their families and friends. But they will be impressed after seeing your achievements, not by your written paper.

Yes, you can talk to your families that you have a few goals and you can discuss. But the negative point is that if they see something that you can′t do, and then it is not good for your positiveness towards your goals. According to my experiences, I recommended that you do not share your goals with anyone, it is not important. Only your achievements are important for your family and friends.

Do not set goals, only because goal setting is a tradition that is important to follow: If you are not ready to do it, or you don′t have time to think about yourself and family. If you think it is just a New Year tradition: Then don′t do it. Yes, goal setting is a tradition that we follow every year and New Year is the best time to set goals. And it is really important to set goals at the beginning of each year. But don′t worry, you can set goals in the middle of the year also, or you can set goals anytime and in any month. But as you know New Year brings to you new hopes so set goals once again. Do the hard work once again. Live your dreams once again. Smile once again. Believe in yourself once again. And take actions.

Do not set goal′s execution process complicated: – If the execution process and practices to achieve goals is complicated then chances are you can leave it soon. So, try to make goals in small steps, e.g. checkpoints. If you′re setting goals for New Year then try below formula. Example of goal setting: If your goal is to have fluency in English and you want it before the end of the year. Then I think it is required to have knowledge of English words, sentences, writing, listening, speaking, etc.

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